Logo: Salmon Arm Curling Centre

Stick / Sturling

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Mondays @ 9:30am


DON’T DELAY . . . this League rebounded last year and was FULL, FULL, FULL.  First game is October 7th, 2024!

Stick / Sturling League

Sturling curling is identical to stick curling with one difference, the type of delivery.  A curler can either deliver with the stick or in the traditional manner . . . any combination is acceptable here.

Our league provides an opportunity for participants with physical challenges such as knee, back, shoulder or hip problems to participate fully.  And we want to get out and have some FUN!

Each Monday morning there are two games that take approximately 1 hour each.

Teams of 2 follow the Canadian rules of play. There are 6 rocks delivered by each team for 6 ends and rocks may only be swept from the hog line in. Curlers should bring their own equipment (delivery stick or device, broom and shoes with protective rubber grippers) or pay a $2.00 rental fee per league day to use club equipment.

Our annual Stick Bonspiel will be held Saturday, January 18th, 2025 and MAY need Sunday, January 19th too!!!  Just sayin’ . . . don’t delay folks.