Logo: Salmon Arm Curling Centre

. . . by the way, LUCK has NOTHING to do with it!

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Our Ice Men craft our ice carefully and with a great deal of pride.  They really care about the ice . . . just watch how they go from sheet to sheet and compare times, curl and rock action at the start of a draw and often during the game.

Here it is – near the end of our season – yet they still show the same care and attention as they did at the start of the year!

Yes, we consider ourselves “lucky” but fast, clean, awesome ice has nothing to do with luck.

Myles Chapin is our head ice maker and leads our trio of ice techs which include Lonnie Karpick and Doug Murray.  Everyone goes above and beyond and are fully engaged in their craft.  They are fastidious about their job and we end up the “lucky” recipients.

We also receive emails from out-of-town teams who thank the club and they often reiterate how pleased they were and what a privilege it was to curl on such great ice (and that they’d be back!).

A sidenote to this story:  out-of-town teams during the recent Mixed Bonspiel also saw us lining up the stones in order (#1 to #8) with handles pointed the same way at the end of each game and commenced doing the same.  They said it was just a wee thank you and a means of showing respect to our ice techs!

Way to go, Myles, Lonnie and Doug . . . THANK YOU!